Bitlog WMS has a flexible functionality for handling picking sites.
Parameters - Advice Bitlog before any changes made in parameter settings.
At least one pick-site is needed to run the system.
Use second mouse-button to add/change/delete a pick-site and warehouse.
Please Note:
Adding more than one warehouse to pick-site is only possible when running Advance or Enterprise Edition. If added – please note that moves between these can only be made in Workstation.
Assigning ERP Warehouses
Next step is to assign an ERP warehouses to the Pick-Site. One or many warehouses can be assigned to a pick-site. Only sales-orders on the selected warehouses will be included in Leanlog Distribution service calculation.
Picking Zones
Second mouse-button to add/change/delete a Zone
Picking zones is used when creating Family (Zone type: Pieces, Boxes, Special or Robot) and or to create separate delivery proposals (Zone type: Normal) within a delivery group depending on set Type.
If Type = Normal then add Items to be handled in separate proposal by adding Stockcode, Product groups or stock status.
Picking Areas
Picking Areas is used to group the delivery proposal by Picking Area. The bin numbers are read from the batch information on the stock code. For example, you may have automatic picking in one are.
Select Site
Descending or Ascending picking order. Check if Area is Oversized or Automatic pick (ex. Tower) Voice or Automatic offload. Mark if automatic offload and offload after xx days. Use second mouse-button to dd/change/delete bin areaAdd Area bin to Picking Area. Code= to Group picking list by Area.
Shows added intervals. For specific bin, go to Storage/ Bin setup.
Use second mouse-button to add/change/delete bin number intervals for selected area.
Delivery method control
Second mouse-button to add/change/delete Zip code intervalThe marked Delivery Methods are the once allowed for the selected Zip code interval. To select a default delivery method press second mouse-button and select "default". All deliveries within the zip-code interval that are not allowed once will be changed to the default one. Delivery method validation is a powerful tool in order to automatically validate the delivery method depending on delivery address Zip-codes or other field on the delivery-address. For example, you may want to automatically switch delivery method to local transport if the delivery is to an address close to your warehouse.
Stock Move
Select which warehouse moves should be possible within Wms.
Select and activate Warehouse from list.
Stock reload
Select type of reload, enter assembly file, Activate deep reload
Quality control (Advanced license required)
Setup settings for Quality control from PO lines.
Right-click and choose New Record to add a new quality control.
Set value from order line to be marked for quality control
Select warehouse, area/ bin to that movement task should be created to
Qty to be added to movement
To activate the quality control you right-click on the row and choose Activate.
= activated
Dangerous goods (Advanced license required)
If handled with dangerous goods you can setup the codes in WMS to get an extra Notification in iPad when picking these items.
Add/ Change Image. Enter Code equal to Code in ERP. Second mouse-button to add or delete code for Dangerous goods.
Time period (Advanced license required)
Set time periods to prioritize Delivery groups in Outgoing goods at specified time.
Select Edit Priorities to select to which Delivery group time period should be added and to set the priority.
Set Time period
Second mouse-button to add or delete Time period.
Volume control (Advanced license required)
Used to automatically change delivery method on order/ proposal when selected value is reached.
Second mouse-button to add or delete New control.
Select original Delivery method to be changed when Value/ Weight/ Volume reaches the maximum allowed value. Select to what Delivery method it should be changed into.