If you experience problems with your printouts, start by checking following things:

- Can you print a test page/label on the printer?

- Try to print the same label on different printers and see if that works.

If the problem seems to be the printer, check the FAQ for Printers instead. 

If not, check following points of failure for printouts:

- Is the Bartender service running? 

- The printer is online and does not show any errors?

- Is there printer queues blocking the printout?

- No errors are generated or shown in the clients or in the log/EventViewer on the WMS Server?

- A print path is created in Commander/Integration Builder for the chosen label and printer station?

- No errors are saved in Commander/Integration Builder on printout, neither is a .failed file created?

Here are some possible solutions you can try:

- Try to restart the Bartender Services. (Bartender.System.Service, Print.Schedule.System.Service/Commander.Service and Seagull.License.Service)

- Empty the driver queues.


If you experience any problems or have more questions that you can't find the answer to, 

please contact our support at support@bitlog.se