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Here you will find the Getting Started Project for Bitlog Erp Api
This project solution is created to help you get started using Bitlog ERP API.
Most of the information that is mentioned below can be retrieved by logging into the Bitlog Cloud Portal here
You'll require the following information to be able to access the API:
UserName / Password
This is your Bitlog Cloud Portal login. You should receive this information by e-mail when you sign up for Bitlog WMS.
ClientId / ClientSecret
This is a security pair that is required to retrieve an access token that is used to make calls to API.
This is the URL you use to communicate with the API. Use the following URL if you are a demo customer:
Running application
To be able to run this application you'll need to save the above parameters into the file bitlog.json located in the Console project.
Application will load the settings from the file when it starts and show you the menu with commands you can use to test the API.
The first thing you'll have to do is to obtain an access token. You can do this by calling the function GetNewTokenAsync() using a T command.
If commands succedes, you'll receive a token that you can save using S command. The validity of this token is determined by the API,
but normally you should retrieve it only once and reuse it. Retrieving a new token invalidates previous token you had.
Now you can start testing the API. For example:
Press G to get a list of warehouses
Press C to create a new warehouse (99 - Spare parts)
Press G again to see if your warehouse has been saved
Press U to update the warehouse 99 description from 'Spare parts' to 'Cars'
Press G again to see if your warehouse has been updated
Press D to delete warehouse 99
Press G again to see if your warehouse has been deleted
Follow the same pattern to implement access for other data types like customers, products etc.
Every data type has it's own Client. For example:
Customer - CustomerClient
Happy coding!
Bitlog development team