If you experience problems while trying to log in to Bitlog Wms, check the following things:
The app:
1. If Bitlog Wms app is recently installed, you need to approve it before being able to log in.
2. The Wi-Fi status.
3. Verify the URL in the iPad.
4. Is the user correctly configured? Do you have the right credentials for example.
5. Is it posible to log into the Manager & Workstation?
Manager & workstation client:
1. Has a Windows update been done on the WMS server recently?
2. Is it possible to uninstall the update and log in?
3. Is it possible to reinstall the update and log in?
4. Is the user correctly configured? Do you have the needed user rights for example.
If you experience any problems or have more questions that you can't find the answer to,
please contact our support at support@bitlog.se